Camino Day 35: Samos to Sarria

Walking sick gets harder each day, but the idea of extending our Camino, of turning a five day walk into a six or seven day walk, is even less appealing. So I push on, unsure if I'm making the right decision. Santiago seems both very near and very far right now.

We now walk through the Galicia region, a beautiful, hilly, wooded area that seems to smell perpetually of cow poop...even in Sarria, a relatively large town. I look foward to the cool breezes and fresh air of the coastal region beyond Santiago.

We called it an early day today after only 10 miles, so I could rest. In the evening, we finally sampled Galician octopus, a regional specialty. I remain unconvinced of its deliciousness, but I'm sure we'll try again before we leave the region.


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