Camino Day 23: Sahagun to Calzadilla de los Hermanillos

Today we were joined by Adam: a world traveling friend we met last year. Adam is at the end of a year long travel adventure and, as we met him in Guatemala at the very beginning of his trip, our reunion is a fitting end. He'll walk with us only until Leon-- 3 days, then return to the States by way of Madrid.

Today's walk was short: just 7 miles, as necessitated by the meseta's odd distances between towns. The terrain is mostly flat, but that didn't stop my back from acting up. I learn again that I must move slowly-- very slowly.

Learning to move slowly has also brought a certain peace in being still. Today, I found I could spend uncountable minutes or hours watching bees buzz around a lavender bush, and it was hard to walk away, to leave that moment. There was peace in that stillness.


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