A Day of Rest: Leon

León has proven to be the most charming city on our route, at least thus far. Though the prices are a bit higher than we have become accustomed to, the people are friendly, the architecture beautiful, and the food exceptional. Add in a very reasonable hotel room (and spa access!), and we are more than content.

We lounged away our rest day and night eating and drinking. We snacked on tapas and tinto verano, and sampled smoked tongue and morcilla (blood sausage), both local and particularly delicious here. Though we have encountered morcilla in other cities, this is the first city in which we found smoked tongue. It is sliced paper thin and tastes like rich southern barbecue. We ended our night with chocolat con churros: crunchy, deep fried bread straws dipped in thick, dark, quintessentially Spanish chocolate.

In between meals, we explored the city's architectural highlights: the cathedral and cloisters, and a rare Gaudí building-- now the headquarters of the Caje España, or Bank of Spain.

Tomorrow, we will say goodbye to Adam and get back on the trail, but first, one more night in a quiet and comfortable hotel room.


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