Camino Day 18: Hornillos del Camino to Castrojeriz

I'm starting to think that the Meseta of the spring bears no resemblance to the Meseta of the summer. Either that, or we are woefully lost, because the long, dry, featureless wasteland has yet to materialize. We passed through green fields and dramatic low mesas brushed with fragrant desert herbs. Stands of trees painted the horizon and birds called ceaselessly in the distance. It felt anything but barren. We squelched our way through this beauty, and rich black mud, toward Castrojeriz.

Castrojeriz is preceded by the ruins of the Monastary of San Anton. Pilgrims walk beneath it's crumbling arches before catching their first welcome sight of the town in the distance. Next is Iglesia del Santa Maria, watched over by the ruins of Castillo de something, where Eleanor of Aragon was murdered for...being a meddling woman, near as I can tell.

12.3 miles


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