Camino Day 21: Villalcazar de Sirga to Calzadia de la Cueza

Another day walking in the rain. Before we left home, we discussed how, if it rained, we'd just stay put for the day. That seems ridiculous and impossible now. Not walk? Not move forward? Que? So, we walked. 14.1 miles through empty fields over mudy ocher paths, with only one stop, early in the day, for the thick, rich drinking chocolate called chocolat de taza. After that, only the rain, the mud, the company of other pilgrims, and a welcome, late afternoon sunbreak. And while it is cool and rainy, we are beginning to see what the meseta is all about: long, flat, empty spaces, sometimes as long as 15 miles at a stretch without a town or anything else. I never thought I'd be so grateful for cloudy, grey weather and rain.


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