Camino Day 31: Ponferrada to Cacabelos

I am sick. Today's walk out of Ponferrada was easy enough, just 10.3 miles, but it felt like a million. One bright spot: A few miles outside of Ponferrada, we met a large group of shiny, clean, energetic americans who looked entirely to fresh to have been on Camino long. We asked where they began, and they confirmed it was their first day on Camino, which started in Ponferrada. Then they asked where we started. "France," we said for dramatic affect. They were properly impressed, and asked lots of questions about our journey. It felt good to be a seasoned pilgrim, to tell stories and share Camino wisdom. For a few minutes, I forgot I was sick. By the time we neared our destination, however, I had remembered, and was very glad to get to our albergue and rest. We have a private room, so as not to make other pilgrims sick. We even found chicken soup, and some lemon, honey, and whiskey to make a hot toddy, just like my mom recommends. Little comforts go a long way on Camino.


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