Camino Day 28: Santibañez de Valdeiglesia to Santacatalina de Somoza

Today we left the plains and entered the foothills of the coastal range. We left our sleepy village in scorching sun, passed through bustling Astorga, and continued on into the hills under a grey and thundering sky. We stopped in Astorga to tour one of the few Gaudi buildings outside of Catalonia-- a palace fit for a king, but alas, it was undergoing repairs, as everything we visit seems to be.

We're averaging about 12 miles/day, and tomorrow we will summit the highest point on the Camino-- Cruz de Ferro, or Iron Cross. It is just 55 meters higher than the Pyrenees' Napoleon Route, but we start from a much higher elevation-- 800 meters instead of 200, as in the Pyrenees--, so we hope it will be easier. We're also in much better shape now, so that might help us too! We look forward to the dramatic scenery ahead of us, and leave the open plains and endless blue sky with only a twinge of regret.


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