Camino Day 19: Castrojeriz to Itero de la Vega

The Camino gives us many choices: to rush or wander, to rest or push on, to reflect or let one's mind be still. Today, I made a difficult choice: to stop after only 6.9 miles, and let my body rest. Though I dearly wanted to push on, I did not; the steep 1 km climb out of Castrojeriz was more than enough challenge for one day. I listened to my body, my back, and allowed myself to stop.

The day was cold and grey, the afternoon rainy. Luckily, I accepted that rest was needed, and enjoyed some olives and a few glasses of local wine (only 0.50€/glass!), and did not regret the choice at all.

I also had an opportunity to help out the proprietor of our Casa Rural, and took an English reservation for him, and translated the details. I cannot stress enough how great it's been to know some Spanish-- it has allowed me to connect and converse with locals, and help many fellow international travelers.


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