This is not Hemmingway's Pamplona

We rested for a whole day in Pamplona. As an avid Hemmingway fan, I had certain, very machismo, expectations for the city. I am pleased to report that none of them were fulfilled. Though we ate at Hemmingway's favorite cafe, saw the plaza del toro, and browsed lots of bullfighting souvenirs, the overwhelming felling of Pamplona was that of community and warmth. Fathers were affectionate with their sons, girls played soccer on the Plaza del Castillo, and Spanish grandmothers eagerly wished pilgrims Buen Camino. The streets were filled with local dancing, music, and costumes for the Festival of Giants, and I was absolutely charmed by the very un-San Fermine-like atmosphere.


  1. Thank you so much for you comments. I'm following you religiously. Have you found that you have more in your pack than you really need?

  2. Glad it's helpful! No, actually...I feel like I packed the perfect kit. I am carrying WAY less than many pilgrims I've encountered. I packed my bag, then went through it a dozen times, assessing each item for necessity...I got rid of a third of it, and down to 14 lbs. That's 16 lbs with water and food though. I am carrying a sleeping bag-- a heavy item and one that lots of pack lists discourage-- but it has turned out to be essential. It's sometimes below freezing, often very cold, and hardly any alburgues provide blankets. I'll post a full pack list and review at the end of the trip, once I know how it all works!


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