Camino Day 8: Villamayor de Monjardin to Torros del Rio

As modern pilgrims, we must find balance. We struggle to balance the physicals demands of the Camino with the limitations of our bodies, the desire to commune with our pilgrim family with a need for silence and reflection, and the desire to move quickly with the benefits of a slower, more mindful experience. I think many of us pilgrims hope the Camino will teach us this balance, and the art of balance in general.

In our own quest for balance, yesterday was short and slow, while today was longer and faster. We weren't trying to make up for lost time, only moving as fast and as far as was natural. We made 12 miles today! After a slow day yesterday, it seems like a big accomplishment.

We traversed wide and rolling paths through emerald spring wheat fields, vineyards, and olive orchards. The trailsides and hillsides are covered with wildflowers-- purple sweet peas, yellow mustard, red poppies, yellow and orange daisies, and sprays of red, purple, and pink I can only guess at. The air is scented with wild thyme, rosemary, and lavendar. If it is sometimes difficult to balance the desire for speed with more peaceful pursuits, the Camino's many beauties certainly offer many ways to practice mindfulness.


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