Koh Samet: Weekend getaway

I spent last weekend on an Island in the Gulf of Thailand-- Koh Samet.  It is breathtakingly beautiful.  White sand beaches, crescent coves separated by rocky promontories, aquamarine water, and colorful ferries to shuttle tourists to and from the mainland.  It is much more off the beaten tourist track than say, Phuket or PhiPhi.  The motorbikes and songtaus here have all-terrain tires that are absolutely needed, as most of the roads around the island are dirt (mud!) and deeply rutted.  And while the beach just past the ferry landing is all upscale resorts, the rest of the island is a backpackers backwoods paradise.

We partied, danced, played, swam, sunned, and tried to send up fire lanterns in high winds (epic fail).  It was everything an island adventure should be because Koh Samet wears its heart on its sleeve.   The people are friendly, there's a party on every beach, and no one is without a smile.  Unless you get food poisoning.  That's right.  Leave it to me to get sick in paradise.  That's all the complaining I'll be doing though, because I would rather have been sick on Koh Samet than in Isan!  Ok, maybe one more bit of complaining/advice: never (and I mean NEVER) get in a Thai minibus when you're recovering from food poisoning.  Like as not the driver will have a death wish even if you're healthy.  If you're not, well...lets just say you'd fear for your health less standing in front of a stampede of rabid elephants (do elephants get rabies?).  And now some photos of the island adventure...


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